Thursday, April 12, 2012


If you live in Ohio, you know that we had a crazy Winter, that seemed much more like Spring. The beginning of March really tricked us and made us think Summer was right around the corner! We, of course, love getting outside and playing!
Jack, has kept up his obsession with balls and it has just gotten worse since we can go outside most days! Ryan loves every second of this and is already trying to make him an all-star. While they practice, Zoe likes to "coach" and sometimes get a little lesson in herself! Here are a few pictures from some outside play :-)

That 6 letter word...

Ryan and I always said we wouldn't have our children play soccer because we just really don't like it! Why run your rear end off and put your all into something/a game and then end in a tie?! A tie is a loss if you ask us ;-)
As Spring was coming closer, we approached Zoe with possibly playing a sport and giving gymnastics a break. I was hoping she would be able to play t-ball (she isn't old enough) and also threw soccer out there as an option. I showed her a you-tube video of each and she said she wanted to try soccer because "t-ball looks too hard"! Yep- that would be our little princess!
So, we signed her up for soccer in hopes to spark an interest in competitive sports.
She has had three practices so far and absolutely loves it! She is one of two girls on the whole team - there are 10 boys! That little princess of ours gets right in there and shows no fear of all those big boys!
Ryan is really getting into it and trying to teach her something! We love that she is taking interest in a sport ;-)
We all went to her first practice and Jack was enamored with all of the balls and stood very still for being there for an hour!


Well, I officially failed at my new year's resolution of keeping up with the blog. Several people have asked me if I was going to try to keep up with it, so I've decided I should put more effort into it. I would really love to just skip February all together, but instead I will just give a brief overview of the entire month and move on!
* Zoe started the month off with a horrible urinary tract infection, which led to a months worth of doctor visits, ultrasounds, medicines, and attempts to pee in a cup!
*Grandpa passed away very unexpectedly at the beginning of the month - which left us all in shock and sadness for quite a while!
*I turned 30 - enough said
*Jack was meaner than ever!
*Pregnancy wise, I just became more and more miserable.
There you have it - February!