Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's the Holiday Season

It's this time of year that I become extremely thankful for who and what I have in my life. I am very much a gift giver and really enjoy buying for others at Christmas. I like the challenge of buying a thoughtful gift for everyone we buy for. Although I enjoy this time, I much more enjoy buying for those that are less fortunate. This year we adopted a family from work along with buying toys for kids at one of the mobile home parks.

We don't get to see the kids open their presents, but I just enjoy imagining seeing their faces light up when they see their gifts under the tree on Christmas morning. Zoe helped me to wrap all of the presents for the family from work and we had quite the conversation about who the toys were for and why we were giving them. Of course she didn't understand, but it's never too early to start :)

Last night she helped me to wrap presents for our family. As we were wrapping, she wanted to know what each present was and who it was for....which means she can't see or talk to these people until we see them or she will tell! HA!

I am so excited to see her face Christmas morning. All she has been talking about is wanting blocks and a "puter" from Santa....I can't wait for her to open them! On the flip side, this will be my first Christmas without Grandma Judy and Grandma Dorothy. Both of them loved to give gifts in their own special way. It's going to be a little rough for all of us, I'm sure.

Anyhow, here is a flashback picture from Zoe playing last year at this time :) Thankfully, this December has been a little healthier for us (knock on wood - esp. considering that Zoe and mommy both have nasty head colds right now!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad your back you've been gone for awhile. You always amaze me with your generosity. Happy Holidays! Cute pic of Zoe!
