Thursday, January 21, 2010


Thought that I would share some updates on our family.....
All of Zoe's test results came back negative (thank goodness) and she is acting just fine now. They think that she had a virus on top of her sinus infection. The good news is that she is currently healthy - the bad news is that means she's back to being 100% R-O-T-T-E-N! Her favorite word is no. If you try to talk to her in a stern voice, she just talks in her stern voice right back to you.
Buckeye on the other hand is still a mess. She has been to see a surgeon, who said she needs both her ACL's repaired on her back legs. Ryan also took her to our friend, who is also a vet, and he said that her left leg definitely needs repaired and that the other could probably wait. The problem with it all is that each leg costs $1800 and requires her to be leashed for 3 months. So, that's $4000 and 6 months on a leash.
On the good news side of everything, we went yesterday for the ultrasound of baby Howard #2. All looks good and it measures right at 8 weeks - keeping the due date on Sept. 2nd. I sent out an email at work today, so I think that it's safe to say that everyone will soon know ;-) I have been feeling ok. I'm just the opposite as I was with Zoe - I now have night sickness instead of morning sickness. We are still waiting to tell Zoe.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Falling apart

Well, it really seems as if things are falling apart around here! Zoe has been sick for forever, it seems. They are now testing her for a blood infection and mono. We will hopefully hear back from them today. Ryan went to the eye doctor yesterday and everything is just fine, but he was miserable last night. Buckeye goes to the doctor today to get her leg checked out from where she hurt it in the snow. We had planned to watch Harrison tonight, but he has hurt is ankle. As for me....well....who has time to even think about that :)
So, here is an adorable picture of Zoe in the snow last year to make us all smile :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Business....

And here starts the month and a half of the year that I really dislike! Report cards are due next week, we start our state assessments for the kids next week, just started a new master's class, and working on tax junk. Needless to say, it is quite a busy time of year!
So, through all of this I hope to be able to keep up with some blogging...but if not, I'm sure you will understand! :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

First attempt....

Zoe wasn't feeling great yesterday, so we didn't attempt to play in the snow. Today, she seemed a little better so I told her we would go out and play after her nap. We woke up and Ryan was snowblowing the driveway so she said she wanted to play in the snow. We both got all bundled up and got her bilibo to take out to sled in.....
We got out there and she wasn't sure about walking in it. I put her in the sled so I could pull her around and she wasn't so sure about that either. Finally, I picked her up and carried her around to the hill on the side of the house. Put her down and I quickly got in the sled. I told her to watch mommy and of course she screamed my entire ride down and didn't want to go down once I had got back to the top. She then said that she wanted to go in and when I asked her why she said "Clothes dirty mommy. Clothes dirty." Of course, my kid wouldn't like the snow because I love it.....
Maybe we will try again tomorrow when Ryan can play with us. Here are a few pictures of proof of how much she disliked it.


Zoe got a Curious George for Christmas (can't remember who from, but I think from Lynn) and absolutely loves him. He has been her best bud for the past couple of weeks. This morning, they were playing the memory game together :)