Saturday, July 24, 2010

34 Weeks and an Update

This past Monday marked 34 weeks. Monday evening, I had about 3 hours of very "uncomfortableness" that I guess were contractions (I never had any with Zoe, so I'm assuming that's what they were). We went to the doctor on Tuesday to see what he had to say about it all.
He had not received the ultrasound results yet, but said that everything must have been fine or they would have called him right away. I was measuring 35 weeks. My blood pressure keeps fluctuating, it was 141/90 when I got there and 129/83 when he checked it again before we left. Because of the contractions, I was lucky enough to get "checked". The baby was still high in the canal, but I was dilated to 2cm.
We asked about pre-term labor and he said he wasn't going to treat me for being there and also wouldn't stop me if I did go into labor. He said they usually say that after 35 weeks they will not stop labor, but since everything is measuring ahead a little, he would treat mine the same. I haven't gone into labor, but definitely have several strong contractions each day. We go back to the doctor this coming Tuesday to see how things are going, but I'm going to predict the baby has dropped a little. I give it another few weeks though.

I have been doing a lot of "nesting" since I have been off for the summer with Zoe's help :) We have cleaned almost all of the closets in the house, rearranged some rooms, got the nursery ready, yadayadayada, and I'm finally feeling like the house is in order! YEAH! There is still plenty to do, but I am beginning to feel like I'm not living in a cluttered mess. Now I just need to get moving on the stuff I've brought home from work to make sure it gets done before this monster makes it's appearance. Although, I will need something to do once the baby is here :)

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