Thursday, October 14, 2010


Mia, pronounced Me-ya, is Zoe's imaginary friend. She has also become our 3rd child in order to keep the peace in the house. I have yet to figure out exactly who/what she is though. Sometimes she is a pig, sometimes she is a mom who has 2 or 4 kids, sometimes she is a kid - she evolves into something different each day!
When I say she is our 3rd child, I mean that I've even had to go as far as disciplining Mia in order to get Zoe to do what she is supposed to be doing.  We were leaving and I was trying to get Zoe to get into the car, instead she starts to walk around to the front of the house.  I asked her what she was doing and she said she was trying to get Mia to get into the car.  So, I had to yell at Mia to get into the car or we were going to leave her and Zoe both! HA! Zoe even tattles on Mia. She told me the other day that Mia was using not nice words and bathroom words to her.  Of course, I had to scold Mia and tell her she would have to go home if she wasn't nice.
Ryan continues to ask me if this is normal. I, of course, tell him it is just fine and good for her to be so imaginative.
Well, tonight, I had to question it myself.  We went to watch my cousin play volleyball.  Zoe was playing with some toys she had brought and was being very good.  I look over at her and see her put her hand up like she was waving and get a huge smile on her face.  Next thing I know, she is looking at me and telling me that Mia decided to come too. Really? She was waving and getting excited like there was a real person walking up to us!
So, now I have to this normal? :)

Sorry - I can't post a pic of Mia ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you....totally normal! Unless, of course, Mia turns out to be like Drop Dead Fred. Ever see that movie???
