Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nice try...

Ryan has been gone all week on a golf trip. The differences between this year and any other is that we now have 2 lids and I'm not working.  We have been going to the post office, office, and bank each day.  We have been getting along pretty well even with Jack not feeling well (he is all stuffy with a little cough).
Wednesday, however, was the day from you know where! I decided to do way too much while out and it turned out disasterous.  We did the rounds for the business and that went just fine....I should have just come home after that!  Instead, we headed to Beavercreek to go to Sam's, Target, Abuelo's, and then Graeter's (as long as Zoe was good and ate good - were the stipulations).  Sam's went just fine, except I had promised Zoe that we would buy Just Dance 2 and after waiting in line for 20 minutes, the girl decided their system must be wrong because they were showing they had 2 copies left but she couldn't find it.  We decided we would get it at Target.  At this point, Jack was still sound asleep, so we headed to Target.  Diapers, pacifiers, Moby game here either :( Jack was starting to get a little restless, so we headed to Abuelo's.  I thought we could get in and get ordered because Zoe and I were also starving.  While we were waiting, I had planned to nurse Jack.  Which is exactly what we did. Our food came and Zoe, of course, decided she needed to potty.  As we were going back to the table, Jack decided he was going to get screaming mad.  I tried so hard to keep him calm so that Zoe could eat.  After about 10 minutes, I gave up.  I told Zoe she could just finish her dinner at home.  Thankfully, she was cooperative :) Two waitresses decided to help me box our food - I guess maybe the screaming baby was starting to get on their nerves and they were trying to help get us out.  By the time we got to the car, Jack decided he was done Zoe (who was good, but didn't get a chance to eat good) ended up having ice cream for dinner.
We got home and Jack just wanted held the entire time.  Zoe had used the restroom and needed help - so I wrapped him up in the new Moby Wrap (LOVE IT!) and went to the restroom.  When she was washing her hands, she spun around on her stool and fell and hit her chin on the sink.  Her chin was fine but she bit her tongue, which we all know hurts! 
After getting her settled down, we sat down to play blocks, while Jack was still strapped to me of course because he didn't want put down. Time for pj's and bed.....Zoe starts being rotten and won't let me put her diaper on.  She wants to read library books instead.  Ok, "get the books, let me put your diaper on, and then we will read books."  Jack was finally asleep and let me put him down. She got the books, but then when I went to put the diaper on, she started peeing all over because she had been holding it so she could go in the diaper instead of in the bathroom.  I sent her to the bathroom.  Once she was finished, I went to put her diaper on and she was just being bad.  She refused to let me put it on! So, there she was, laying on the living room floor, screaming because she wanted to read books.  Her 20 minutes of screaming woke Jack up.  I think I had them both screaming for 20 more minutes and was ready to pull my hair out!
Finally, Zoe let me get her dressed and I agreed to read 1 book, in hopes they would both settle down and go to sleep....and it did! Yeah! Too bad this wasn't the end of the terrible evening though!
I decided to call Toshiba because the new laptop was having trouble keeping an internet connection.  The first person I talked to, said I needed to do a system restore.  I had no clue what this entailed - if anyone EVER tries to tell you that's what you need - make sure you know WHAT it means!  When the computer restarted, QuickBooks (the program I use for our business accounting) was gone and I still had the internet problem.  I called them back and they just couldn't understand that I was more upset about the program not being there than I was about the stinkin' internet.  Finally, they decided my virus scan was causing the issue.....UM....HELLO! Shouldn't you try that BEFORE a system restore?!?!
At that point, I just turned the computer off and went to was 12:20am!
Needless to say, I was so excited to crawl into bed and prayed that Thursday would be better - and it was....thanks to my mommy :-)

1 comment:

  1. What a day! I'm sorry you had such a rough time. I want to hear more about your Moby Wrap.
