Thursday, January 20, 2011

That Spot!

Jack has had a spot on his left cheek since he was about a month and a half old.  We just figured it was part of his eczema and that it would heal when we figured out what would help his eczema.  After several trips to our pediatrician, several medicines and lotions (Aveeno baby wash, Aveeno lotion, Aquaphor, 1% hydrocortizone, 2.5% hydrocortizone, Locoid, and Polysporin to be exact), and a food allergy test (which was slightly positive for cow's milk and wheat), we made an appointment with a dermatologist.
As soon as she walked in the room, she just glanced at him, said it was baby eczema and impantego. After discussing everything with her, she gave us some sample lotion along with a perscription for the impantego. The spot is finally starting to look better, but overall, the lotion doesn't seem to be working. :(
She said it would be a trial and error to find what would work for him.  I have a feeling that we will be getting a different cream at his appointment at the end of the month.
While I'm discussing something that's a problem with Jack, let's talk about the lower half of his body....where we also have a daily struggle!
We can't find socks that will stay on his feet!!! GRRRR!
But while I was trying to get him to lay still long enough to get this picture, I got a few other cute ones to share!

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