Saturday, August 28, 2010

Baby Jack's Story

We decided to have a family date night at the park before we went to the hospital. We had to be there at 11pm on Wednesday, the 25th. We really had an awesome time at the park and enjoyed just the 3 of us (no electronics allowed, including cameras). By the end of the date, I was starting to feel quite a bit of pressure, but figured it was because I had been on my feet all day getting things ready followed by going to the park and running around with Zoe.
After getting everything registered and filling out a ridiculous questionnaire to get his birth certificate, we got into our room. At this point, we found out I was dilated to a “good 4cm, almost 5”. No wonder I was feeling pressure, but still no timeable contractions and water still in-tact. So, I got all hooked up to the IV, got my meds, sleeping pill and attempted to sleep. Through the night, I continued to have contractions and decided to just go ahead and dilate to almost 7cm on my own. After a lot of contemplation and confusion and changing plans throughout the night, the doctor decided he would not break my water until around 8 (which was the original plan, but had been thrown out the window a few times through the night).
They then changed the plan that I would go ahead and get my epidural before breaking my water just in case things went really fast after. I can remember getting it with Zoe, but don’t remember it hurting. I just remember the after effects of the horrible headache. This time, it hurt terribly the entire time and I’m still having issues from it.
It wasn’t until some time after 9 that a doctor actually made it in to break my water. Which was somewhat ironic because at about 4am, they were all making bets that we would have a baby by 9.
I absolutely hated the epidural this time. I was so extremely numb that I could hardly move at all yet I could still feel the pain of it being in my back. I also pretty much stopped dilating and became quite nauseous. After some phenegran and some sleep, I woke up with a ton of pressure. At around noon, the nurse came in and checked and I was dilated to 9. She said she was going to talk to my doctor, who was right in the hall, to let him know that I was almost ready and that she would be back in about an hour to check.
Well, after about 10 minutes, I was ready to push a baby out and told my mom to go get the nurse and get a move on  She came in, checked and as she held one leg and Ryan held the other, I gave about 3 “practice” pushes and another nurse came in. Jody, the first nurse, then moved to a front seat view, while Ryan and the other nurse held my horribly numb legs. I pushed again on the next contraction and all of a sudden, half his head was out. Ryan moved over to the other leg, my left leg weighed 100 pounds and was glued to the table. Jody was calling for the doctor and respiratory. The other nurse left and got the baby table ready. They’re telling me to breathe in some crazy way and whatever I did, Don’t Push! The next contraction comes and goes and somehow I manage to not push…..still no doctor. Jody then says, “Honey, you’re going to have to push”…..I pushed o so slightly, and out onto the table flopped a little baby. Jody was there and put him quickly onto my stomach.
The bed was still a regular bed, not a birthing bed, nobody was in any sort of scrubs, nobody was expecting or ready for a baby – but there it was. Ryan was then just concerned about seeing what he was and announced “We got a boy”!
After some stimulation of the ooey gooey white stuff and lots of love talk, Jack started to cry….and in walked Dr. Pawlosky. He just stood there in disbelief with a look of “what in the world is going on here” and all I could do was laugh!
So, the short version is that I pushed some practice pushes with Ryan and Jody, pushed him out in about 10 minutes, while the doctor was in the hallway on his way to the room!
Because he didn’t spend hardly any time in the birth canal to “squeeze out the fluids” and wasn’t suctioned the way he should have been once he was out, he has had some minor issues with choking on fluids that are still in throat and belly. Overall, he is absolutely perfect and Zoe says she loves baby Jack!

Here are just a few pictures to hold you over - many more to come.

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