Monday, August 9, 2010

I've made it... come on baby!
The "target" week to get to for any pregnancy is 37 weeks. The doctor told us that they now will not stop a labor at 35 weeks, but the healthiest for the baby is to get to at least 37 weeks. I went to the hospital at exactly 37 weeks for Zoe and had her just 38 minutes after midnight. She was very bruised and had jaundice, but was overall quite healthy!
We have known for quite a while now that this baby is measuring quite big. The doctor reassured us however that it was still best to make it to at least 37 weeks. He said that white male infants esp. have difficulties when born before 37 weeks and with us not knowing the gender, I really have taken it easy the past few weeks hoping to get to today.
I have had some HORRIBLE back pain and a lot of pelvic pressure for a while now, but some times are way worse than others; like this past Friday night. It was a long day, followed by a lot of walking at the fair, followed by a very late night of pulling up laminate flooring in the basement (which may make it as another post at another date). We finally went to bed around 1am, but I maybe slept an hour between then and when we got up. My back felt like it was going to explode! As Saturday went along, I started feeling better, but Ryan was persistent that I at least go to the hospital and get checked.
After an hour and a half there....they sent us home. I was still just dilated to 3cm. I was definitely having contractions, but nothing timeable. The baby was just fine. So they had no reason to go ahead an induce.
So, now I HAVE MADE IT to 37 weeks! Today is the day!
I did quite a bit yesterday, even had about an hour long dance party with Zoe in her room trying to dance the baby out - and had nothing but a sleepless night last night! I decided that I would take it easy today. I have sat on my tush almost all day working on stuff for work. This afternoon I had some pretty heavy cramping with a few contractions, but it has now eased off and I'm back to just having an exploding back with occasional contractions.
We go to Dr. P tomorrow afternoon. I'm getting a little concerned with how big this baby is going to be! My back is killing me! The pelvic pressure is getting unbearable! I'm bored out of my mind just sitting around! But in the end, I know that the longer the bun is in the oven, the better, and I'm thankful every day that I made it that much longer.......
BUT come on baby! I want to know what you are! :)

I posted all of these pictures because the only one around when I remembered to take pictures was......Zoe! She didn't do too bad, but I love the one that is just of the nursery and leaves me completely out. She said "Op! I missed!"

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